Programs » GATE


Welcome to Gifted/Talented Programs

Gifted and Talented students need differentiated educational programs and services beyond those normally provided by the regular school program in order to realize their ability to contribute to self and society. On this website you will find information for current and prospective families and LAUSD educators. This includes identification categories and procedures, documents and resources, as well as options available to students once identified. 

When a student is identified as Gifted in an identification category, they remain enrolled in their school of attendance, and in their classroom. Teachers are responsible for providing appropriate differentiated activities and assignments to challenge each student that meet them at their academic level.

During CHOICES open application windows, parents may apply to specialized magnets that are designated for Gifted Students. Also, some district schools offer a Schools For Advanced Studies program on their campus that accepts identified Gifted students as priority.

Categories for Identification as Gifted:

Intellectual: any grade.        

Identified by Intellectual testing by a District Psychologist

High Achievement: 2nd grade and above

Identified by OLSAT testing in 2nd grade or grades and SBAC Scores of Exceeds in ELA and Math

Specific Academic Area: Grades 6 and above.  Either ELA or Math

Identified with 3 years consecutive of grades of 4 and SBAC Scores of Exceeds 3 consecutive years either ELA or Math

Performing Arts: Voice, Dance, Drama: 3rd grade and higher

Identified by an audition assessment at Spring or Fall audition. Students must demonstrate high ability at an individual performance at assessment.

Visual Arts: Visual arts: 3rd grade and higher

Identified with presentation of an art portfolio of student samples and visual arts demonstration at Spring or Fall audition.

Leadership: 4th grade or higher

Identified by teacher who submits evidence and portfolio of leadership skills and activities

Creative Ability: 4th grade or higher

Identified by teacher who submits evidence and portfolio of creative skills and projects created by the student.

Questions: Please contact the school and ask for GATE Coordinator, Mr. Little. (323) 582-1250

Bienvenidos a los programas para alumnos dotados/talentos

Los estudiantes dotados y talentosos necesitan programas y servicios educativos diferenciados más allá de los que normalmente proporciona el programa escolar regular para darse cuenta de su capacidad para contribuir a sí mismos y a la sociedad. En este sitio web, encontrará información para las familias actuales y futuras y los educadores del LAUSD. Esto incluye categorías y procedimientos de identificación, documentos y recursos, tanto como opciones disponibles para los estudiantes una vez identificados.

Cuando un alumno/a es identifcado dotado en una area, ellos permancecen asistiendo a su escuela actual. Los maestros proveen actividades y materia apropiada a su nivel y a sus intereses. 

Durante la ventana abierta para solicitudes CHOICES, los padres pueden aplicar para escuelas magnet designadas para alumnos identifcados dotados. Tambien, hay escuelas en el distrito que ofrecen programas escuelas para estudios avanzados. Ellos aceptan aplicaciones y dan prioridad a los alumnos dotados.

All 2nd grade San Antonio Elementary and Magnet students take the OLSAT test in March for possible identification as Gifted in High Achievement.

Congratulations to all 2nd graders. They completed the OLSAT test in March. Score reports are expected week of May 15-19. Students who score in the 95% are automatically identified as Gifted in High Achievement. 

Todos los estudiantes de segundo grado aqui en San Antonio toman la prueba OLSAT para ver si tienen habilidades superiores y para ser identifcados como dotados en la categoria Aprovechamiento Superior.

Felicidades a todos nuestros estudiantes de segundo grado. Ya completaron la prueba de OLSAT en marzo, 2023. Los resultados van a llegar a las escuelas entre 15-19 de mayo. Todas las familias recibiran noticia del resultado de su hijo/a.

Performing arts

Performing arts Gifted students: Does your child have a special talent to sing, dance, or act? Each November and May, the LAUSD hosts an audition to identify students as gifted in dance, voice, or drama. See the GATE coordinator, Mr. Little, for more information.

Tiene su hijo/a un talento especial para cantar, bailar, or actuar? Cada mes de noviembre o mayo, el distrito presenta audiciones para identificar los alumnos como dotados en artes teatrales. Habla con el coordinador de GATE, Mr. Little.