Magnet Center » Magnet Gifted Information

Magnet Gifted Information

Verification of Eligibility for Gifted Magnet Programs and Schools for Advanced Studies

Prior to submitting an application, please review closely the sections indicated below to ensure that the application is completed accurately and on time. The application will be removed from the selection process if applicable criteria are not met by the deadline.

Section A: Gifted Magnet Programs and Schools for Advanced Studies Applicants

  1. Student has met program-specific eligibility criteria outlined in Section B. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to verify with the current school of attendance if the applicant has met the criteria before applying.
  2. Student is residing within the L.A. Unified boundaries at the time of application and while participating/enrolled in the program.
  3. If student is matriculating from the 5th/6th or 8th grade (has completed elementary or middle school) the student is reverified by the current school of attendance as eligible to continue in a Gifted Magnet Program or SAS site.
  4. Applicant is adhering to the recommendation submitted by the principal of the current school of attendance.

Section B: Program-Specific Eligibility Criteria

Required Criteria for Gifted Magnet Programs or Schools for Advanced Studies Applicants

Gifted Magnet Programs and Schools for Advanced Studies (SAS) offer enriched interdisciplinary academic environments that are exciting, challenging, and encourage students to use creative/critical thinking skills. Both serve students who demonstrate the ability or strong potential to work two years above grade level in academic subjects and meet ONE of the criteria listed below. (All criteria carry equal weight in the selection process.)

For an Applicant to Be Eligible for a Gifted Magnet Program or Schools for Advanced Studies, the Student Must Be Verified as Meeting One of the Following Criteria.

  1. Student is identified as gifted by an L.A. Unified designated GATE psychologist in the Intellectual, High Achievement, Specific Academic, Creative, or Leadership Ability Category.
    • Upon receipt of the application, the District will automatically check the applicant’s eligibility through L.A. Unified school records.
    • If the applicant was identified as gifted in L.A. Unified, but is currently attending a private school, independent charter, or non- L.A. Unified school, the parent/guardian must submit a Verification of Eligibility form to ensure that the applicant is included in the District database.


  2. Student scored in the Standard Exceeded range on the 2018 Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) or received a national percentile score of 85% or above on a District-approved standardized norm-referenced test in both total reading and total math (most recent year only). See Verification of Eligibility form for qualifying subtests.


  3. Student demonstrates the ability to meet ALL FOUR of these critical thinking and problem-solving skills (in primary language):
    • Explain meanings or relationships among facts, information, or concepts that demonstrate depth and complexity.
    • Formulate new ideas or solutions and elaborate on the information.
    • Use alternative methods in approaching new or unfamiliar mathematical problems.
    • Use extensive vocabulary easily and accurately to express creative ideas.
    The school of attendance will determine if your child demonstrates all four skills for this criterion (Four Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills). Applicants verified through the four critical thinking and problem-solving skills criterion must also demonstrate the ability or strong potential to work two years above grade level in academic subjects. NOTE: Kindergarten SAS applicants must also be verified using the Schools for Advanced Studies (SAS) Kindergarten Readiness Checklist.

Required Criteria for Highly Gifted Magnet Program Applicants

Highly Gifted Magnet centers group students to allow for a demanding broad-based academic program that provides advanced educational opportunities designed to serve the needs, interests, and goals of intellectually gifted students. Emphasis is placed on problem-solving and the development of higher-level thinking skills, as well as positive social-emotional growth.

All Applicants Interested in a Highly Gifted Magnet Program Must Be Assessed and Identified Prior to the Application Deadline.

Students eligible for Highly Gifted Magnet Programs are residents of L.A. Unified who meet:

  • the highly gifted (HG) criterion score of 99.9% on an Intellectual Ability assessment administered by an L.A. Unified designated GATE psychologist OR
  • the highly gifted applicable (HGA) criterion score (between 99.5%–99.8%) on an Intellectual Ability assessment administered by an L.A. Unified designated GATE psychologist.

Students identified as HG/HGA are also eligible to apply to a Gifted Magnet Program or Schools for Advanced Studies (SAS).

Upon receipt of the application, the district will automatically check L.A. Unified records for eligibility. If the applicant was identified as highly gifted/highly gifted applicable in L.A. Unified and is currently attending a private school, independent charter, or non-L.A. Unified school, the parent/guardian must submit a Verification of Eligibility form to ensure that the applicant is included in the District database.

Parents/guardians may contact Gifted/Talented Programs at (213) 241-8361 to verify if the student is eligible to apply to a Highly Gifted Magnet Program.

NOTE: The Los Angeles Unified School District provides programs for gifted/talented students in all local resident schools as well as in Magnets and Schools for Advanced Studies (SAS). In addition, some of the schools provide specialized services for highly gifted students (e.g., Highly Gifted Pathway at Peary Middle School and Wright Middle School). Please call the school or Magnet center you are interested in for further information on its Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) services and support.

Section C: L.A. Unified Applicants (Currently Enrolled in an L.A. Unified School)

Although L.A. Unified applicants must meet the required program-specific criteria outlined in Section B, a Verification of Eligibility form and SAS Kindergarten Readiness Checklist, if applicable, are NOT required for applicants (grades K-12) currently enrolled in an L.A. Unified school. Upon receipt of an application, the District will automatically verify eligibility.

Section D: Private School, Independent Charter, and Non-l.a. Unified Applicants

The parents/guardians of private school, independent charter, and non-L.A. Unified students who are applying to a Gifted Magnet Program or Schools for Advanced Studies must follow the procedures below. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to verify that the student's current school of attendance has submitted all required verification forms by the deadline.

For an applicant previously identified as gifted/highly gifted by an L.A. Unified designated GATE psychologist, who is currently attending a private school, independent charter, or non-L.A. Unified school, the parent/guardian must submit a Verification of Eligibility form to ensure that the applicant is included in the District database.

Requesting Verification From Current School of Attendance

Option 1:

  1. Visit to download the Verification of Eligibility form (two pages) and SAS Kindergarten Readiness Checklist, if applicable.
  2. Complete the student and parent information sections, sign and date.
  3. Hand deliver or mail the applicable form(s) to the student’s current school of attendance, giving the school permission to complete all required sections.

Option 2:

  1. Call the Choices Support Line at (213) 241-4177 to request that the Verification of Eligibility form and the SAS Kindergarten Readiness Checklist, if applicable, are sent to the student’s current school. Please have the current school name, address and phone number available.

Submitting Verification Forms

Once the Verification of Eligibility and SAS Kindergarten Readiness Checklist, if applicable, have been completed by the school of attendance, parents/guardians or school site personnel must submit the completed and signed form(s) by the application deadline. The Verification of Eligibilityand SAS Kindergarten Readiness Checklist, if applicable, must be submitted in a sealed official school envelope with the principal’s signature across the sealed side. (Do not submit either form with the application.) Late forms will not be accepted.

U.S. Mail:
Unified Enrollment
P.O. Box 513307
Los Angeles, CA 90051


Hand Deliver:
L.A. Unified Headquarters/Unified Enrollment
25th floor reception desk
333 S. Beaudry Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90017

NOTE: Prior to the deadline, it is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to call the Choices Support Line at (213) 241-4177 to confirm receipt of the completed forms (Verification of Eligibility and SAS Kindergarten Readiness Checklist, if applicable). Parents/guardians will not automatically be notified when forms are received.

Gifted and Talented